6:28b-30, “Then they asked him, ‘What must we do to do the works God requires?’
Jesus answered, ‘The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.’
So they asked him, ‘What miraculous sign then will you give that we may see it
and believe you? What will you do?’”
Gospel is known as the book of signs, because of the variety of unique signs presented
so that people might believe that Jesus is the Son of God and place their faith
in him (John 2:11; 3:2; 4:48; 7:31; 20:31).
interesting in this passage is that Jesus had just given two pretty amazing
signs. He just fed the crowd of over
5,000 people with a young boy’s meager 5-loaf-and-2-fish offering. Then, right after that, he walked on water. That’s pretty amazing. And, yet, what do the people ask for? They ask for another sign refusing to
believe, to trust, to follow.
Christian faith is not a blind faith.
Jesus has provided many signs during his time on earth, signs that are
historically, and I believe accurately, captured in the Gospels as well as in
other writings. The greatest sign Jesus
provided was his resurrection from death, which Jesus called the sign of the
prophet Jonah (Matt 12:38-40).
what is the point for us today? Jesus
has proven himself to us time and time again.
Jesus has demonstrated his love for us.
We can look back on our lives and see times when Jesus was present and
real and his love was evident and yet, we still seek more signs. Even when looking back, when our memories
fail us, we have the ultimate sign of his love and forgiveness, which authenticate
all that he did and said, in his resurrection.
But still, we ask for more.
Oh, how
weak our faith often is in the middle of the swelling wave of circumstances. We seek signs and ask questions that have
long since been answered instead of charging ahead with confidence in the one
who conquered death.
will we be like those who “even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs
in their presence, they still would not believe in him” (John 12:37)? Or, will we surrender our hearts, our doubts,
our fears to him and walk in faithful obedience in light of his love.
is calling us to action. Will we act in
faith or will we question and search for signs, signs that pale in comparison
to that which he has already provided in the cross and the empty tomb?
God of
all wonder, forgive me for the times in my life when I have doubted your love,
questioned your commands, and sought confirmation before responding in
obedience to that which I knew you were calling. Please, strengthen my faith, forgive my
unbelief, and use me for your glory.
Help the course of my life to be a beacon others can follow through the
storm to lead them to greater faith in you!
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