Friday, December 20, 2013

Why I'm Not on Board with the Duck Dynasty Disaster

By: Adam McClendon

Okay, at the expense of upsetting a lot of people, here goes. 

I'm sick of hearing about Duck Dynasty situation.  Phil's comments were crass and poorly chosen, by the way, why in the world is he doing an interview with GQ and a writer who curses throughout the article he writes?  A&E overreacted as does everyone in secular-politically-correct society whenever a comment is made in opposition to homosexuality.  There are "thousands" of better opportunities for Christians to cry out concerning the intolerance of our culture.  Duck Dynasty isn't a battle I'm fighting for.

First, it's a secular tv show on a secular station, not a church.

Second, Duck Dynasty stars make millions of dollars as public figures and should have the common sense to know better than to speak so crassly in an interview with a paper that regularly crosses the lines of decency to sell magazines!

Thirdly, I personally do not want to be aligned with how Phil argued his point.  It wasn’t well done.

Fourthly, “professing” Christians consistently inappropriately attack people who believe differently than them and are often at times hypocritical in this area.

Fifthly, I don't know all of the Robertson's Biblical views, but would venture that I would take issue with a few important ones.

Anyway, go ahead facebook, twitter, and blogging world, continue to cry out and mark the demise of A&E.  They will just find another debase show to air in Duck's place.  Society will keep on.  Christian boycotts of Disney, Levis, and other major entities rarely work, because at the end of the day, we have short memories and don't take permanent stands as a whole. 

If you want to fight the culture concerning the homosexual issue and intolerance, there are thousands of better examples than this one!

1 comment:

  1. You make some very good points. I felt it was important to read the entire article to be well-informed on this issue, and I, too, wondered why Phil even gave an interview to GQ. I got sick of all the cursing from the GQ author.

    "Crass" is a good word to describe at least one of Phil's comments (the one about body parts). While much of what he said is true, he did not present the truth in the best light.


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