Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Gospel on Their Lips

By: Adam McClendon

Acts 11:19–20 says: 19 Now those who were scattered because of the persecution that arose over Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to no one except Jews. 20 But there were some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who on coming to Antioch spoke to the Hellenists also, preaching the Lord Jesus.

Sometimes, I read over these passages far too quickly and I miss remarkably convicting material.  Recently, I was studying this passage.  As I thought deeply on these two verses, I was simply reminded that these people were not formal missionaries.  No, they were just ordinary believers who were running for their lives.  They had left everything behind in Jerusalem.  They had possibly lost loved ones, possibly their businesses, most definitely their homes.  And, yet, as they are displaced, the text reveals that they are talking about Jesus and spreading his good news.

Remarkable!  These early believers understood that their purpose in life was to spread the good news, and they had bought into that purpose with such conviction that even in the midst of the most difficult circumstances of life, they are living with the gospel on their lips.  That convicts and motivates me.

All too often, I find myself so focused on my circumstances that I miss the reality that God has brought people into my path who need to hear the good news that Jesus loves them, has died and risen for them, and wants to restore them in relationship with God the Father. 

As I thought about the example of these early believers living life with the gospel on their lips, I was reminded of a man I met several years ago.  He worked at a body shop and painted automobiles; although, I did not know that at the time.  We met and began to talk.  In the course of the conversation, it came out that we were both believers in Jesus Christ.  I then asked him what he did at the body shop.  He curiously looked around and then slowly leaned in with a “Shhhh.  Don’t tell anyone, but I’m an evangelist disguised as an auto-painter.” 

What an amazing understanding that all Christians are all called, in the midst of all circumstances, to go forward with the gospel on their lips.

God of all glory, I confess that I all too often forget to talk about Jesus.  It’s not intentional; I just get so caught up in my circumstances that I forget that I’m called for the specific purpose of being a witness of your good news.  Please forgive me and help me to go forward with the gospel on my lips regardless of the circumstances life brings.


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